Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I am frustration, only at programming

Got a phenalic tip(no i do not know how to spell it) put on my break stick again. It hits harder than .... I was going to say altz heimers(no i can't spell that either, and am way too tired to look it up) but that would cross a line, which I just did....


I just developed a double elimination bracket application for Mac OSX. It'll be up online sometime probably in a week, but the randomize names function is kind of broken right now.

Ran 2 more racks yesterday.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

today, was よかった

For the first time in almost 2 weeks... hell maybe a little more than that, I ran a rack out today, and almost another one.

For some reason the videos are running at like... 1.5x speed or something, no clue.

Break and run:

Break and fail:

PS: I can tell a large difference since using those videos and drilling the shots. I am starting to see things a little differently on the table.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Two things to mention:

1) Bert Kinister's video - "9-ball video series; 60-minute workout"

This goes over 27 different shots, or variations on shots. The focus is entirely position play, and after drilling it for about 2 hours(I had to figure it out) this morning, I noticed I was seeing things a little bit different, in a good way. Won 3 races in a row when I started playing. The video was lent to me by a friend, so I don't know if there's a companion book, but if it does not, I have 3 complaints. First, the reasonable one: There is no explanation of what kind of english, or how hard/soft he is stroking some of these shots, you have to figure it out yourself. Second: he did this video on a bar table, where the angles are a little off, and the cross the table draw is suddenly much less impressive. Thirdly, and least legitimately: Take the damn lapel mic off if you're not going to explain things. He was breathing so hard I thought I was watching a B-rated pool-table porn or something.

2) www.cuetable.com rocks
Great site for showing examples to people online, but shockwave has problems on intel-macs.

yeah, new video coming on wednesday or some of the shots from that video.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

the focus of everything has changed

So I've decided to make this a pool and or final fantasy 11 based blog. But seeing as that I don't really play FFXI as much as I used to, small comments might be the only light of day that those references may see. but anyway.

It's not healthy, it's ... Well, let's just say it's a good thing my fiance works all day and I'm still a grad student(implying I have a concept of free time)

Below is a video of a practice rack I played today. More will follow as I catalogue them, and weed out things I already understand that are wrong with my playing. I implore all who watch, and play the game, to give feedback. I have only one request: Make it constructive please. So let me have it! Give me feedback, ideas for drills, things people want explained, anything. I have time, and too much desire to play "the perfect game."